September 1, 2012

Penalty Post

You know what's a really good motivator? Public humiliation.

I knew this, and so I posed a self-challenge to my friend last week:
Let it be said right here that I WILL talk to my parents about setting aside an hour every Sunday or Tuesday for making lunches -and get a distinct yes or no commitment- or... or else I will take a picture of my horribly messy room and post it on my blog!
And guess what I did not do?

That's right, I did not get a distinct yes or no commitment. I posed the question, yes, and I even got a "yes" answer--that may be enough for some people, but it wasn't the standard I had set for myself. I had to get a commitment. My step-dad said "Sure, let's do that Sunday morning," but he'd suggested this right after musing about going to Costco to get some bread to make sandwiches. There was little chance that we would actually go to Costco early Sunday morning, and I knew it. He'd not thought through the logistics of it, which means he wasn't actually making a commitment. Sunday came and went, without even a comment on the lack of lunch-making.

So by my own standards, I failed. In accordance with my penalty, here are the photos:

(Luckily for me, Public Humiliation is a powerful motivator. I cleaned my room that very same weekend, just in case. You should have seen how much worse it was before.)